By Curtis Dunlap
Eagles Cross Country
Soar to the Finish
can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks
the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and
challenging than any man versus man competition. For in running, it is man
against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real
enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to
master himself and his emotions.” –Glenn Cunningham. Your Avila eagles ran at
the Gary Stoner invitational hosted by Central Methodist University this past
weekend. Saturday was a chilly day, windy on the cross country course. “The
course was hilly and tough but it was a good challenge for us at this point”
said Will Ennis, current number one runner. Will finished with a time of 28:26 (which
is a 5:40 per mile pace!) placing 51st overall and first for Avila.
Second to finish for the team was K.J. Nigg in 62nd place with a
29:31. Third and fourth for the team was Curtis Dunlap, returning runner from
last year and Tyler Bunton. Both finished with a time of 30:42 placing 72nd
and 73rd. no score was awarded because five runners are needed to
The women’s team despite only three runners,
the girls ran fairly well. Tiffany Zinn finished 36th with a time of
20:34. Joanne Kessler finished 43rd with 21 flat and Katie Noland
finished 60th at 22:32. Eden Woodburry was suffering from leg pains
and did not run, Karli Lapointe was also out due to heart related issues. Making
5 runners, but not this race, it still offered good practice and overall it was
a decent race and a step in the right direction for this young sport.
“we’re just trying to get in shape for
conference now, we just need to keep taking care of the bodies and practicing
hard” said coach Dave Denny who has coached at Avila three years now. With many
years’ experience Denny is one of the greatest peaking coaches in the nation.
He coached world record holder for the mile, Joe Falcon as well as Olympian Matt
Tegenkamp. “With what we have we’re looking at beating a few more teams at
conference than last year and gaining some experience. Next year we’re hoping
to have a few more runners and have everyone run over the summer and build
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